海野恵 Tiffany Megumi Gerdes is a Japanese-American artist that plays with themes of spirituality, meditation and impermanence. She creates pieces she refers to as ‘burn works’ using paper, incense, and light.


2013 BA, Printmaking ; Art History (hons.) Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT

2018 MLA, Landscape Architecture, University of Pennsylvania, Weitzman School of Design, Philadelphia, PA


@megumigerdes on Instagram

Interview with Gallery 263

Interview with Conversations with Artists


2023 Phainesthasia ‘Objects that Shine Forth,’ Small Works Project, Gallery 263, Cambridge, MA

2017 Tokyo Embers, Tokyo Landscape Futures, Meyerson Hall, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA

2017 Horizons, Design in the Terrain of Water, Morgan Gallery, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA

2017 Float, Pop-Up Print Show, Design in the Terrain of Water, Meyerson Hall, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA

2016 Slatelands, Slate Belt Heritage Center, Northampton, PA

2013 Excavations, Ezra and Cecile Zilkha Gallery, Middletown, CT